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The People Of Port Charles vs. Ava Jerome

Alexis vs. Ava ~ Credit: General Hospital ABC

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The People Of Port Charles vs. Ava Jerome

She’s a master at  juggling a multitude of schemes, but will she be able to keep them up in the air this time? Or will Ava’s house of cards come crashing down? 

As more and more is revealed about Ava’s (Maura West) schemes, her situation in Port Charles becomes more precarious by the minute. It’s only going to get worse before it gets better as she seems determined to make enemies everywhere she turns. Without friends, family or any kind of support system she’s all alone unless she can manage to keep Sonny tethered to her. Of course, when it comes out that she was aware of Valentin tampering with his Medication her hold over Sonny may dissolve. 

Ava had an epic day of churning trouble. It started by storming into Nina’s office to pick a fight about not running an article on her artist. She betrayed Nina, so naturally Nina has no reason to trust her or play nice. But, Maxie made a good point, Nina is no match for Ava. There’s only so much “playing around” Ava will tolerate, so it’s Nina who should be afraid of what Ava is capable of, unless she is somehow able to get reinforcements or build an alliance…

The next stop or collision came as Ava arrived back at her gallery and overheard Josslyn’s comments about Sonny attacking Dex, which sent her into an irrational and convoluted reimaging of the events. It’s no secret that there is no love lost between Ava and Carly or Ava and anyone close to Carly, but going after her daughter may have been a step too far. 

The third and final blow of the day came not from Ava, but from Alexis. Not only do Alexis and Ava had a sordid past because of Ava’s brother Julian, but now Alexis has the ammunition of knowing that it was Ava’s accusations that got her disbarred. Ava made no excuses and did not deny any of her involvement, and instead questioned Alexis about the validity of the accusations and motives for confronting her. 

“I’m objecting to your cruelty Ava. You have only two ways of dealing with adversity. Just two. You either deflect blame or you inflict harm,” Alexis jabbed. 

Ava shot back at Alexis, insisting that she was not the one to blame for Alexis’ mistakes and misfortunes nor had she done anything else beyond reproach. This only inflamed and excited Alexis, who replied that Ava just hadn’t been caught or prosecuted yet.

“Which makes me miss being able to practice law that much more. But license or not, you’re going to regret making that complaint.” Challenge accepted!

It would seem that nearly everyone in Port Charles may soon have to guard or go up against Ava very soon. She’s a master at juggling a multitude of schemes, but will she be able to keep them up in the air this time? Or will Ava’s house of cards come crashing down? 

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