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Was GH’s Post-Wedding Episode A Commentary On Fatherhood & A Gregory Farwell?

Finn & Gregory Make Peace ~ General Hospital ABC

General Hospital

Was GH’s Post-Wedding Episode A Commentary On Fatherhood & A Gregory Farwell?

It was a wonderful tribute to the beauty of Fatherhood, but it did leave one wondering about Gregory’s fate. It’s too soon! But, is it the end?

Father’s Day may be a few weeks away, but GH’s post-wedding episode appeared to be a tribute and a commentary on the importance of Fatherhood thanks to the contrasting storylines at the end of the night of Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding; Kristina witnessing firsthand the violence that Sonny is capable of, and Gregory ultimately sharing a touching moment of reconciliation with Finn. 

A child needing one’s father “that never goes away,” as Finn said. Especially for adult children, and the writing made it quite clear. Kristina’s visceral reaction to watching Sonny attack Dex was evidence that her beliefs and feelings for her father were so solid and strong until they were violated by his actions. Certainly, parents are only human too and have to be given the grace to make mistakes and find redemption, but for adult children with parents whom they have put on a pedestal having to accept that those parents aren’t actually infallible can be complicated. And not only was Kristina in tears, but Jason and Carly were on the verge as well!

When Finn helped Gregory get ready for bed like Gregory probably did for him when he was a boy… Tears! Such a loving moment of role reversal, it was one of the true highlights of the episode. As children grow to be adults and parents grow older, adult children often become their parents’ caregivers, and while it’s not easy for anyone going through that transition, parent or child, there can be beauty in taking care of one’s parents. 

“As the Baby Boomer generation ages, adult children are increasingly taking on the responsibility of caring for their elderly parents. Millions of Americans are “aging in place” out of a desire to remain independent in their homes, but soaring health costs and a shortage of health care workers means many family members with no medical training become caregivers out of necessity,” according to a November 29, 2023 article published by Duke University School of Nursing.

The montage of past photos and family moments that went through Gregory’s mind as he lay in bed was especially touching, and sweetly ended with a “Goodnight Grandpa” from Violet just as he fell asleep. More Tears! However it was almost a little final, like his life was flashing before his eyes and as if he were going to fall asleep and never wake up… What were the writers hinting at? Is Gregory not going to wake up? Was that really meant to be “Goodnight and Goodbye Gregory”? 

So as much as that was a wonderful tribute to the beauty of Fatherhood at the end of the episode and an antidote to an episode highlighting Sonny’s violence, it did leave one wondering about Gregory’s immediate fate… It’s too soon! But, is it the end?

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