General Hospital
GH News
Will Ava Use Her Malevolent Talents For Good?
Has Ava been the villain with a big and open-minded heart, all along…
Ava may have just made an enemy of Natalia, she has a habit of doing that, not that Ava much cared for her and how she swooped in to snag Sonny’s attention. But how is it possible that she is the voice of reason and acceptance? Ava proved herself to be an ally of LGBTQ+ people and made it clear to Natalia that Sonny fully accepts and respects Kristina’s identity, and that they both approve of her relationship with Blaze. Furthermore, Ava made Natalia, the newcomer, understand that most people in Port Charles are just as respectful and accepting, and that perhaps she should be as well
What luck that she just happened to have accidentally recorded Natalia’s hostile and homophobic comments about Kristina and Blaze, and gay people in general. Of all the self-serving and destructive schemes Ava has orchestrated it’s refreshing that she may start to use her devious and manipulating talents to do some good. But what will she do with this recording? Blackmail, exposure and character assassination or worse? Has Ava been the villain with a big and open-minded heart, all along?
It seems only fair that Ava make those comments public or use them to her advantage, especially since Natalia was doubling down on her beliefs even after Ava protested and made it clear she did not agree with her. Surely, if Natalia is so sure of herself, her antiquated beliefs and the “public” of which she is a self-professed expert, she shouldn’t mind that the “public” be made aware of what she said.
So, is Natalia about to become the greater evil, the heartless villain on the same level as Brennan? And, an enemy to Sonny? This could be just the twist of fate and redemption Ava needs…
Eva LaRue’s character Maria Santos on All My Children was a good and kind person, playing a villain on GH must a fun departure for her.

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