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The Best and Worst of General Hospital for August 26-30

General Hospital

GH Commentary

The Best and Worst of General Hospital for August 26-30

General Hospital brought the drama the week of August 26-30. Some moments were hits, some were misses, and Soap Talks has the rundown on what worked and what didn’t in Port Charles this past week.

The Best of GH

Ava Jerome ain’t no fool and she knows expensive fashion when she sees it. Between shoes, a designer purse, and designer sunglasses, Ava was quickly able to deduce that the female “FBI agent” guarding her wasn’t an FBI agent at all. No agent can afford such luxuries. Watching Ava quickly figure out that Sonny was right was a delight, but can she save herself?

What a treat to see Alexis and Ric spar again after all these years. The chemistry between Nancy Lee Grahn and Rick Hearst is still there. The former spouses traded barbs just like the old days, making us long for Ric to stick around Port Charles. Alexis needs a new love, so why not an old one?

Dante hasn’t forgotten the horrible things Carly did in the past before GH morphed her into an innocent heroine and neither have we. Carly was a vixen, is fantastic as a vixen, and needs to repent for all of her awful acts before she can reclaim the matriarch status GH wants to give her. Maybe Carly needs a little self-reflection.

The Worst of GH

Kristina is delusional and it’s hard to feel sympathy for her. She begged her sister to let her be an egg donor and surrogate so she needs to stop thinking of the baby she was carrying as her own. She also needs to face facts. She tripped over a duffel bag and Ava didn’t push her. Until then, Kristina will be in the dog house every week.

Drew and Willow just scream ewwww. First, he is way too old for her and comes off as a creepy old man. Add in the fact that he is also sleeping with Willow’s mother and the Drillow scenes make us want to want to find a shower fast. Plus, why aren’t we seeing Nina’s reaction to the death of a man she knew since childhood? Drew’s reaction rings hollow.

There is nothing wrong with a Brooklyn accent and we’re not quite sure why GH is telling us that there is. Lois has always had one. Olivia has one. Brook Lynn has one. Dante has one, and yes, this writer has one, too. GH needs to stop telling the audience that this is a character flaw.

Don’t forget to watch new episodes of General Hospital each weekday on ABC and weeknight on Hulu.

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