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Elizabeth’s General Hospital Love Life: Who Should She Choose?

General Hospital

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Elizabeth’s General Hospital Love Life: Who Should She Choose?

General Hospital’s Elizabeth finds herself single just when her three greatest loves who are still alive are back in town — or almost back. Should any of these men help fill her dance card?

Jason Morgan

Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) and Jason (Steve Burton) have been in and out of each other’s orbits for 25 years, first finding each other when she believed Lucky (Jonathan Jackson) had died in a fire. They share a teenage son, Jake (Hudson West), and were even engaged for a hot minute. However, they could never seem to get together and stay together because there was always another love in the way.

With Sam (Kelly Monaco) firmly with Dante (and slated to be killed) and Finn (Michael Easton) mercifully out of Elizabeth’s life, could Jason and Elizabeth finally find a chance at love?

Ric Lansing

Elizabeth’s first husband is back in town and already in hot pursuit. Ric (Rick Hearst) can’t seem to stay away from the one who got away and Elizabeth already can’t seem to resist his charms. Ric even managed to convince Elizabeth to throw Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) under the bus and report her to the police.

Of course, Ric and Elizabeth didn’t exactly end it on good terms back in 2015 because he once again used schemes and trickery to try to win her heart. Would this really be the man for her?

Lucky Spencer

It’s been nine years since Elizabeth’s first love and other ex-husband has been in Port Charles, but he’ll be on his way back any day. Lucky is already fantasizing about Elizabeth, so it’s clear that he also sees her as the one who got away.

However, Lucky didn’t always treat Elizabeth right and would often seem to think of her as the teenage girl he found in the park one night after she was assaulted. Nearly 30 years have passed since then, so would Lucky and Elizabeth work as mature adults?

Don’t forget to watch new episodes of General Hospital each weekday on ABC and weeknight on Hulu.

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