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The Best and Worst of General Hospital for September 16-20

General Hospital

GH Commentary

The Best and Worst of General Hospital for September 16-20

General Hospital brought the drama the week of September 9-13. Some moments were hits, some were misses, and Soap Talks has the rundown on what worked and what didn’t in Port Charles this past week.

Best of GH

Jason and Anna have an interesting friendship (that should stay that way) and working relationship. Could Anna be the person who turns Jason legit and makes him realize he can still have adventure without working for Sonny?

Alexis is in Pentonville again, which seems to be nothing new for her. She was only there two years ago and now she is back. At least this time, she has the perfect cellmate in serial killer Heather Webber. Heather is just delighted by the idea but Alexis feels she is living her worst nightmare.

Molly has just about had it with everyone around her. While she loves Alexis and doesn’t want to see her mother in jail, she can’t believe Alexis would do this for Kristina. Molly has no problem letting loose and telling everyone exactly how she feels now. And, it’s absolutely refreshing.

Worst of GH

Willow and Drew bring on the ick factor big-time. We are not sure what Willow sees in this man and we hope one day someone tells her that Drew did not save her life. In fact, he almost got Liesl killed until Holly came along. Now, he is practically stalking Willow while sleeping with her mother. We also still wonder if this is the real Drew Cain.

So, Sonny vows to make sure Kristina and Alexis don’t end up in jail for killing John. That is supposed to seem noble. Except Sonny killed John and if he’d fess up, he could solve the whole problem in a heartbeat.

Then, we come to the spot where Sonny killed John. Since the murder just a few days prior in PC time, Sasha threw a brunch there and Willow got in her morning workout. Isn’t it still a crime scene?

Don’t forget to watch new episodes of General Hospital each weekday on ABC and weeknight on Hulu.

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