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The Best and Worst of General Hospital for September 30-October 7

General Hospital

GH Commentary

The Best and Worst of General Hospital for September 30-October 7

General Hospital brought the drama the week of September 30-October 7, 2024. Some moments were hits, some were misses, and Soap Talks has the rundown on what worked and what didn’t in Port Charles this past week.

Best of GH

We admit that we were hesitant when we learned Lucky would be returning and realized GH had every intention of pairing him with Elizabeth. After the way he treated her the last time he lived in Port Charles, we never wanted to see them together again. Now, we have to admit that they still have it. Then again, so do Jason and Elizabeth.

Thank God for Hexis, the new Pentonville BFFs. Heather is already winning Alexis over with her earnest attitude and apparent compassion. Alexis didn’t expect this but even she can see the change in Heather and has decided to help her out.

Carly and Sonny just don’t have it anymore, but Carly and Brennan do and we want to see more of them. So what if Jason says no? Carly says yes and isn’t that what counts?

Worst of GH

Jason and Anna should NOT be thinking about that kiss because that kiss never should have happened. They also know it never should have happened because he refused to tell Carly and she refused to tell Felicia. Can we now erase it?

We do not understand why GH is writing off Marshall after barely featuring him for months. Robert Gossett won two Emmys in the role and there was so much story to tell between him and Curtis.

Poor Nina thinks that she fell for the right guy again but Drew Cain is anything but the right guy. He is now practically a stalker after his daughter. He is also going to hurt Nina worse than Sonny did and we can see the train wreck coming.

Don’t forget to watch new episodes of General Hospital each weekday on ABC and weeknight on Hulu.

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