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Finn Lost His Father, But He May Lose Much More After Relapsing

Finn Slips Away From Sobriety ~ General Hospital ABC

General Hospital


Finn Lost His Father, But He May Lose Much More After Relapsing

Finn being lured and mesmerized by the bottle was heartbreaking. Many viewers must have been shouting “Don’t Do It!”

As the people of Port Charles begin to grieve for the loss of Gregory, no one is in more pain than Finn. Despite his final conversation with his father being one of peace and reconciliation, his grief is causing him to dwell on their past struggles and he may end up losing more than just his father if he can’t regain his perspective and sobriety. 

After the accidental slip up with the champagne at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding, the night before Gregory’s passing, left Finn in a highly vulnerable and precarious state of mind. Alexis did her best to reassure him that since it was a genuine accident it hadn’t compromised his sobriety and insisted he shouldn’t dwell on it. However, she knew firsthand that the tensions with his father had always been a trigger for Finn that endangered sobriety on multiple occasions. Her intentions were in the right place, and she was a good friend to calm him down even while dealing with her own struggles while prepping for the state bar hearing.

Neither Alexis or Finn could have predicted he couldn’t have predicted that he wouldn’t have more time with his father despite his illness. And, after father and son shared such a touching end of the day, naturally Finn’s shock and pain over Gregory’s passing was overwhelming. The moment Finn discovers Gregory has died was portrayed rather endearingly by Michael Easton, and his portrayal of being lured and mesmerized by the bottle was heartbreaking and accurately educational. Many viewers must have been shouting “Don’t Do It!”

Elizabeth’s keen observation, quick thinking and tough love could help guide Finn back to sobriety. But as strong and loving as she is, she can only do so much as he was quick to resist. Perhaps, when Chase arrives, he’ll have some influence. Ultimately, though, it’s really up to Finn. The hope is that one tragedy won’t lead to more…

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol, visit for meetings and resources.

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